Friday, July 13, 2007

Track meet in Dover, DE.

Working at track meets absolutely sucks. Dover Delaware is the most depressing excuse for a capitol I've ever seen in my life. I feel so out of place; I wish I had a mullet. There's not even a bookstore within a 30 mile radius. I do however, have a lovely view of the Dover Downs stadium from my hotel window. Yum! Race car exhaust!! I am getting paid the big bucks though, so I really shouldn't whine.

I did, however, make some handy little guides for my clueless brother, brian, while I was at the track meet:
how to be a hipster, how to be an east coast surfer kid,
how to be a guido, how to be from dover delaware,
how to be a gamer, how to be a burnout,
how to be a hippie, how to be a frat boy. enjoy!


Anonymous said...

mmm good drawings

Anonymous said...

haha those are spot on!