Saturday, July 28, 2007

Don't remind me of that hell hole!

I think of school and my stomach starts hurting. Why do they have to send out those schedules so early? It's only July! Way to make kids despise reading. I understand The Scarlet Letter is a classic and all, but I mean, give me a break! I just want to read that good transcedentalist stuff! Gimme Thoreau and Emerson and Whitman!

What a wonderful summer so far though: I love my job, I love the new people I've met, I love the down time and the hanging out by rivers and the picnics and the painting seashells on the boardwalk. and I love feeling more independent. I mean, shit, I have my own credit card now.

Oh and I got cool new glasses. They're like Kit glasses except a little less hip and a little more nerd. (and I assume everyone who reads this will know what I mean by "Kit glasses" haha) i luv em.

yo i'm single hit me up qt pies


Anonymous said...

yo kelly g! :] its andi, if this comes up anonymous, because i cant remember my old blogger password. anyway i'm looking for a job in kennett and i'm wondering if you're still working at talula's table/if they're hiring? or any other information you have about there...
oh and have you been in that new vintage store in kennett? i don't think they're hiring but it definitely looks interesting.

Anonymous said...

OH also if they are hiring would they be interested in new menu ideas, like vegetarian or vegan stuff because i like to cook a lot and i have some really good recipes...? :]