Saturday, July 28, 2007

Don't remind me of that hell hole!

I think of school and my stomach starts hurting. Why do they have to send out those schedules so early? It's only July! Way to make kids despise reading. I understand The Scarlet Letter is a classic and all, but I mean, give me a break! I just want to read that good transcedentalist stuff! Gimme Thoreau and Emerson and Whitman!

What a wonderful summer so far though: I love my job, I love the new people I've met, I love the down time and the hanging out by rivers and the picnics and the painting seashells on the boardwalk. and I love feeling more independent. I mean, shit, I have my own credit card now.

Oh and I got cool new glasses. They're like Kit glasses except a little less hip and a little more nerd. (and I assume everyone who reads this will know what I mean by "Kit glasses" haha) i luv em.

yo i'm single hit me up qt pies

Friday, July 13, 2007

Track meet in Dover, DE.

Working at track meets absolutely sucks. Dover Delaware is the most depressing excuse for a capitol I've ever seen in my life. I feel so out of place; I wish I had a mullet. There's not even a bookstore within a 30 mile radius. I do however, have a lovely view of the Dover Downs stadium from my hotel window. Yum! Race car exhaust!! I am getting paid the big bucks though, so I really shouldn't whine.

I did, however, make some handy little guides for my clueless brother, brian, while I was at the track meet:
how to be a hipster, how to be an east coast surfer kid,
how to be a guido, how to be from dover delaware,
how to be a gamer, how to be a burnout,
how to be a hippie, how to be a frat boy. enjoy!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Early morning hours and new beginnings

Okay so it was about time I got a new blog. It's kind of weird having the same journal/blog for over two years, because every once in a while I'd look back and be like "Jeez, I was so young and naive! What was I thinking! I hope no one reads these old posts!". Well, two years from now I'm sure I'll be looking back on this silly thing and be saying the same thing. But anyways, starting a new journal is so refreshing/exhilarating. There's something so appealing about an empty notebook. I'm painting over all of my old entries in my real notebook. I hated going back and reading them, they were too sad. So anyways, this blog is my new outlet. My blank canvas. My clean slate. I feel like it's New Years Eve or something!

I like staying up really late, so I can take in all the quietness and just be by myself and have no one to nag me or talk to me. In my house at least, no one is awake past midnight. Whenever I stay up late, I get a kick of creative energy right around 1am which is always fun(ny), because I'm a little sleepy and giddy and whatever I make usually turns out pretty fucking cool. I get the best ideas late at night... or in the shower. I think it's the separateness-from-the-world of both of these times that sparks my mind.

It is officially 7/7/07! I can't wait for 7:07.